Auto downloads

Pocket Casts can be set to automatically download new episodes as they are released. You can manually download the episodes you like individually or in bulk, or can configure auto downloads from the following sections of the app:

Settings for Up next episodes

  1. Tap Profile
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Select Auto download
  4. Toggle up next 

Settings for all New episodes

  1. Tap Profile
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Select Auto download
  4. Toggle Podcasts New episodes  
  5. Tap Choose podcast
    • then select all (podcasts subscribed to in future will be included)
    • or choose individual podcasts to auto download episodes for only those podcasts (no future podcast subscriptions will be added automatically)

Settings for Filters

  1. Tap Profile
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Select Auto download
  4. Under Filters Select All Filters 
  5. Tap select all, or tap individual filters to auto download episodes for only some filters.

Individual Podcast Settings

  1. Tap Podcasts
  2. Select a podcast
  3. Select Podcast settings
  4. Toggle Auto Download

Episode Filter Settings

  1. Tap Filters
  2. Tap an episode filters
  3. Select the top right three dot icon
  4. Tap Filter settings
  5. Toggle Auto Download
    • You can limit the number of episodes to be downloaded

To manage your downloads:

If you need to cancel all the queued or waiting to be downloaded episodes tap Cancel all downloads on the global auto download page.

To clear all the download errors and retry tap Clear all download errors on the global auto download page.


If the “Only on unmetered WiFi” setting is not toggled on, you may incur significant mobile data fees and is not recommended.

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